About Circle Templates Cindy's Circles Special Offers Shipping
There are many different circle templates on the market today for longarm quilters. Longarm quilting templates, of any size or type, MUST be at least 1/4 inch thick acrylic plastic. Colors of plastic may vary, but they should be translucent. All of the circle longarm templates on the market are good, but, in my opinion, there is one problem with them. None of them compensate for the 1/4 inch width of the quilting machine hopping foot.
For example, if you have a six inch circle template from any manufacturer and you stitch around it, your finished circle is 6-1/2 inches in diameter. This may not be a big issue for you, but, if you want a six inch circle to be stitched just inside a six inch block , a 6-1/2 inch circle WON’T fit!
I have been a professional longarm quilter since 1995 and in the last few years I have been working extensively with templates of all sorts. To make my life easier, I re-designed the circle templates to compensate for the 1/4 inch width of the machine’s hopping foot and I had my own templates made.
I also had my templates made so that they “nest” together with a 2 inch wide “holding area”. This holding area gave me enough room to securely hold the template with my left hand on the quilt top and the base unit of my machine. (Some circle templates only have a 1 inch holding area and it makes it hard to hold the larger sizes of circles when stitching. Other circle templates are one large piece of plastic and can be heavy and cumbersome to use if quilting a large space.)
By having the templates nesting I could have several templates cut from the same piece of acrylic plastic.
I had two different sets of circle templates created -
Click on photos for larger view and slide show
SET A, a set of EVEN SIZED Circles
This seven piece template set ranges in size from (finished size) 2 inches to (finished size) 14 inches.
This template set includes a 28 page, step by step photo illustrated instruction manual.
SET B, a set of ODD SIZED Circles
This six piece template set ranges in size from (finished size) 3 inches to (finished size) 13 inches.
This template set includes a 28 page, step by step photo illustrated instruction manual.
With these TWO sets of templates I can create circles from 2 inches in diameter to 14 inches in diameter!
When I had the new templates created for my own use, I discovered one more problem. I never gave a thought to the color of the plastic that was used in the manufacture of the templates. When all the circle templates were gathered and stored together, because they were all one color, I couldn’t tell which circles belonged to which set.
So, after consulting with my “plastics guy” I decided to have each set of circles made in a different color. Not only does my template storage area look more colorful, I can tell which templates go together at a glance. No more rummaging around for a long time to find all the sizes!
To View a tutorial on Circle Templates Click Here
To view a gallery of quilts that have been quilted with the Circle Templates Click Here
For information about the Super Dooper Template Offer Click Here
After creating the templates, I wrote a 28 page, step-by-step, photo illustrated instruction manual on how to use the Circle Templates.
Many of those who design and manufacture quilting templates do NOT do this!
In my opinion, if you don't have detailed instructions on how to use ANY template, all the template becomes is an expensive piece of plastic!
I want YOU to USE my templates! And, in order for you to do this, you MUST know HOW to use them!
With the Instruction Manual you WILL know how to use your templates!
For more information on the Instruction Manual, and it's off shoot, my book and the online class titled, Quilting in Circles Click Here
Now that I had stitching larger circles under control, I began to think
of how to quilt SMALLER circles. The small circles - from 1/2 inch up to 3
inches in diameter posed several problems. It was impossible to quilt
around the OUTSIDE of a small circle template, but, you could quilt
around the INSIDE of a circle!
So, again after consulting with my "plastics guy", I designed the Cindy's Circles Template. This template makes circles in the following sizes - 1/2 inch, 3/4 inch, 1 inch, 1-1/2 inch and 7 inches in diameter!
To view a FREE video tutorial on how to use the Cindy's Circles Template Click Here
Recently, I began working with circles that weren't really small, but
they weren't really big either. When I was working with these sizes of
circles I had several small templates on my work space and work table and
it was hard keeping track of all of them.
To solve this problem, I designed the Cindy's Bigger Circles template. This template makes circles in the following sizes - 1 inch, 1-1/2 inch, 2 inch and 3 inches in diameter.
To view a FREE video tutorial on how to use the Cindy's Bigger Circles Template Click Here
Tip: When I quilt Double or Single Cable borders, I like to quilt circles in the corners. That way I don't have to "match" up the cable designs - which makes my life much easier! I can use a combination of the Cindy's Circles Templates to easily make these corner circles.
If someone asks me "If I could get only ONE set of templates, which would it be? I would honestly answer, "Get a set of circles! You will use them a LOT! There are TONS of designs you can create with circles."
A seven piece template set that ranges in size from: (finished size) 2 inches to (finished size) 14 inches in diameter.
Even Circles Template Set
Includes 28 page Instruction Manual
A six piece template set that ranges in size from: (finished size) 3 inches to (finished size) 13 inches in diameter.
Includes 28 page
Instruction Manual
Makes Circles in the following sizes - 1/2 inch, 3/4 inch, 1 inch, 1-1/2 inches and 7 inches. Includes printed instructions.
For a video on how this templates works Click Here
Makes Circles in the following sizes - 1/2 inch, 3/4 inch, 1 inch, 1-1/2 inches and 7 inches. Includes printed instructions and DVD
For a video on how this templates works Click Here
Note - this class is hosted on the Longarm U sister website Longarm Classroom. You will be manually added to this online class and you will have 365 days of unlimited access to this class. After you are added to this class you will receive an email with your log in information.
If you have any questions about this Bonus, please send an email to LongarmU@aol.com
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